Do you have any questions? We are available to assist you. Please refer to the following frequently asked questions for more information.
Got questions?
Smart Mist is suitable for all property types approved in British Standard BS:8458; these are:
Domestic occupancy
Single family dwellings such as:
- Individual dwelling house
- Individual flat
- Individual maisonette
- Transportable home
- Houses of multiple occupation (HMOs)
- Bed and breakfast accommodation
- Boarding houses Blocks of flats 18m or less in height and with a maximum total floor area of 2400 square metres.
Residential occupancy
- Blocks of flats greater than 18m in height
- Sheltered and extra care housing
- Residential care premises
- Residential rehabilitation accommodation
- Dormitories (e.g. attached to educational establishments)
- Hostels
Yes. The SmartMist system has passed and conforms to BS8458.
Although one of the principal features of the Smart Mist system is its ease of installation, it is essential that to meet with the requirements of BS8458 it must be installed, commissioned and subsequently maintained by a Smart Mist accredited installer. All Smart Mist approved installers are 3rd party accredited and hold all the necessary insurances, giving you complete peace of mind.
- The flexible tubing/high pressure hose used by Smart Mist must be installed behind a fire rated barrier.
- Ideally the fire barrier should have a 60 minute fire rating. The minimum acceptable fire rating is 30 minutes in accordance with Building Regulations.
- Where a fire barrier cannot be provided such as on a concrete ceiling Stainless Steel 316 rigid pipework should be used.
- The Smart Mist system requires annual maintenance
- We keep a record in house of all installations and will email, text, phone or send a letter a few weeks before the service due date. It is essential to maintain the system to ensure that in the event of fire the system activates correctly.
Yes, the Smart Mist system is designed to be retrofittable.
Since the momentum of water mist spray dissipates quickly after it is discharged, the dispersed water mist droplets in general are harmless one metre away from the nozzle.
Smoke does not trigger the nozzle. The activation bulb situated within the nozzle is only activated by a direct heat source i.e physical flame at a temperature of +57°c (135°F).
Similarly, a water mist nozzle in close proximity to an oven will not be affected by opening the oven as the heat is dissipated very rapidly by dilution of the surrounding atmosphere.
Hard water is water that has high mineral content and is largely made up of calcium and magnesium carbonates, bicarbonates and sulphates. These deposits normally occur where there is water flow. The mist systems water is static and held at low pressure therefore deposits do not occur at the nozzles.
Water mist nozzles and other system components are made of corrosive-resistant materials to prevent clogging due to corrosion. The SmartMist heads are put through a process that protects against corrosion and the metals used were chosen after advice taken from a leading university metals specialist.
Filters are typically installed at nozzles. Most importantly however, good water quality is required for water mist systems, if there is doubt in water quality it is recommended this be tested prior to installation.
Checking for clogging of the head forms part of the annual maintenance.
No, that is a myth. Only the nozzle where the frangible bulb breaks will be activated, in the unfortunate event of a fire.